Monday, October 22, 2007

Fell by the wayside

Well, the latest update on my results with the RESET is simply this - I need to reacquaint myself to it. I have fallen by the wayside. I have been ill over the past few months with one illness after another and during all of those illnesses, I was taking medication that required that I eat. I used that as an excuse to return to my old, unhealthy eating habits.

Needless to say, I found some of the weight that I lost using the RESET. My most recent health situation still has me taking some heavy medication so it will be a while before I can resume my RESET ritual. I can't wait!

RESET is my answer to my weight problem.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Water Exercise

I have been researching some fun exercises to tone up after losing weight. Since it is now summer time and everyone seems to enjoy going to the beach, why not incorporate weight loss exercise with your beach scene. Try water walking for exercise. Try side swings and side bends in the water. Try any of your aerobic exercises in the water. It is my guess that you will not only tone up but you will also lose some additional pounds.
If you try this, let me know how you did with a comment to this post. Thanks.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Six Tips for Slimmer Waistline

Basically, eating right (healthy) and exercise are the main keys to controlling your weight. To extend your quest for a slimmer waistline, here are six simple tips to get you on your way:

1. Breakfast is the key to a healthy start for successful weight loss. Start your day by filling up with high-fiber cereal, fruit and whole-grain bread.
2. Make a list of small, simple projects you have been meaning to get done but could not find the time to do them and post the list in plain view. When you feel like snacking, choose one of your projects on your list. In other words, tackle an activity rather than eat.
3. Eat one half of the amount of food you normally eat. Trick to this is to use a smaller plate to trick your mind into thinking you are eating the same amount or more.
4. Engage in and maintain regular aerobic exercises. Probably the easiest one I can think of is walking.
5. Biting into a sour pickle or lemon will curb your appetite. If this is not available, try brushing your teeth.
6. Slow down when eating. Give the food time to emit the signal to your brain that you are full. One way to slow down your eating is to put your fork down between bites and chew very slowly.

These simple tips are also motivational to start you on your way to a successful healthy weight loss regime.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Easy Exercise - WALKING

Walking is great for your heart! Walking can lower your risk of heart attack and stroke.
Walking reduces the risk of some forms of cancer and osteoporosis. Walking reduces body fat and build muscle. Walking can help to reduce the need for some medications.
Walking is much easier than jogging on your body's joints. There are no major jolts in walking.
Walking lessens stress and lowers your level of depression.
Why not start today with this easy, simple exercise?

Monday, June 18, 2007

Have You Chosen a Healthy Diet Plan?

Choosing a healthy diet to follow daily can arrive at real changes in body fat loss without being hungry or uncomfortable. The body has three essential nutrients for good nutrition- protein, fats, and carbohydrates. You must choose the right nutrients in these three areas. You must choose low-fat proteins, whole-grain carbohydrates and unsaturated fats, but in moderate portions. Anything done in moderation is better. You should also incorporate fruits and vegetables in your diet every day. You will gain more nutrients from fruit and vegetables if they are kept in their natural state.

If you are still having problems getting motivated to start a diet regime, visit for possibly the best motivator for weight loss on the market.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Formula for Weight Loss

Have you decided to start a weight loss program? Was your decision based on media hype? First, check with your physician to see if weight loss is permissable (just make sure you have covered yourself regarding underlying health issues).

Now for my formula for weight loss without the aid of the media:

  1. Exercise
  2. Ingest fewer calories
  3. Eat more vegetables and fruits
  4. Curtail carbohydrate intake
  5. Drink plenty of water
  6. Skip snacking unless it's fruits and/or veggies
  7. Watch the salt intake

I believe if the above formula is followed, you should see some real weight loss. It might take some time to accomplish, but just know it can be done.

If you are having trouble getting motivated to start a weight loss program, visit for a great healthy motivator.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Beware: Quick Weight Loss

As I have stated so many times before, beware of quick weight loss. One of the main reasons for this warning is health issues. You must - it is imperative - consult your physician before undertaking any weight loss regime to insure a safe and healthy weight loss.

I used the RESET product because it was a healthy and safe way to lose weight. It was really not my intention to lose the amount of weight that I lost, but I was glad that I did. The most important thing RESET did for me was to give me the motivation to want to lose weight and to forge ahead with weight loss.

Most of us need that little push to get started. If you need that little push, with the understanding that you should consult your physician first, RESET is the vehicle to get you motivated and on your way to the downward incline.

Stay with me for more information on healthy weight loss. You can view the RESET product at

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Myth - Quick Weight Loss Part III

The ingredients for a true weight loss program are:


Quick weight loss a myth? Yes, for this writer. We should not be so quick to believe the claims of media advertisers and others who claimed there is a method for quick weight loss. Give them time and they will prove that quick weight loss is the key to long-term weight gain.

Myth - Quick Weight Loss Part II

Your body needs to have time to adjust to a healthy eating lifestyle. This adjustment does not occur overnight. Gradual is the key here. Give your body the time it needs to make the adjustment to your change. If you choose to try the “quick weight loss” schemes, your body will adjust and readjust accordingly.

Some say consulting with your physician regarding how many calories you should be consuming daily will yield the way to quick weight loss. This writer disagrees with this plan. This plan will cause you to put restrictions on your food consumption. Do you know if you are restricting the right foods? Do you know if your restrictions will be healthy and nutritious? The answers to these questions are the reason why quick weight loss is a myth to me.

Myth-Quick Weight Loss Part I

Once you have decided to plan a weight loss program, you begin to waiver to the media advertisers. These advertisers are in the weight loss game to take your money. So many of them promise or assure you their program is the best way to lose weight quickly.

Almost all of these diet programs fail because we don’t realize that everybody’s body chemistry is not the same. Your first thought when you hear these advertisers’ claims should be how could they make such a claim. These advertisers have no idea of what your body chemistry and your metabolism are. Understand what the media is doing – they are preying on your emotional senses to get you to buy their product.

Why would you want to lose weight quickly? Do you know that when you revert back to your same eating habits, you risk regaining the weight you thought you lost plus more? This is one of the main reasons why diets fail.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Fad Diets for Women Over 50 Part III

These commercialized fad diets for women over 50 could produce health risks such as heart disease, cholesterol that is not stable, high blood pressure, and diabetes. These are serious illnesses and must have our complete focus. Fad diets don’t address these issues for us.

For whatever reason we think we need to lose weight, we need to make sure we keep our focus on our overall health. Fad diets take that focus out of the equation. The best way to be in constant synch with your health is to be in constant contact with your physician.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Fad Diets for Women Over 50 Part II

We are entering or have entered menopause stage and what we used to do when we were younger is just not going to work any better now than it worked then. We have to pay closer attention to our health. We must be strict with ourselves when we start thinking about weight loss without any regard to any health issues we might have. It is imperative that we consult our physician before entering the weight loss realm and we must be in constant contact with the medical professionals for the duration of our weight loss plan.
For this reason and this reason alone, we should stay in constant contact with our physician because jumping on the bandwagon of these fad diets could create other health issues we never knew were existent. Our bodies are all different, yet the commercialized fad diets prey on all of us wanting to lose a few pounds. Visit me at to see what I have chosen to do in this weight loss realm.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Picked it Up Again

It has been 17 days since I posted an update about my RESET weight loss program. I have lost an additional 2 pounds. My last post stated that I was at a standstill, not anymore. I am now up to 29 pounds lost since starting this in January, 2007. This is probably too fast for me to be losing weight, so I need to slow down a bit. I don't want to run the risk of gaining this weight again, so I have to be disciplined for slow weight loss.

Stay tuned. More news to come. If you want to try my program, go to You will be glad you did.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Fad Diets for Women Over 50

How many fad diets have you tried over the years? Did you have any weight loss success with any of these fad diets?

Let me answer that last question for you – NO. How do I know you did not have any success? It is very simple. First of all, if you had any success, you would not be reading this information right now because you would have succeeded in your weight loss goal using the fad diet you chose and looking for ways to lose weight would never be in the forefront of your mind. Secondly, if you had any success with either of the fad diets you chose, you would have chosen one and not several.

Ladies, let’s face it. Fad diets have no place in our lives. We have to be determined and motivated to use our own willpower to get rid of the weight we have gained over the years. We need to stop looking for the quick fix in the fad diets for what has taken time to develop.

Check back later to see more on this topic.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Weight Loss for Women IV

If you use foods as a crutch, then you undoubtedly are a great candidate for weight gain. Some of us eat because we are stressed or we had a bad day at work or the kids were overly active that day or you just had an argument with your husband or boyfriend. Don’t find excuses to eat. Use eating for satisfying hunger.

If we take a hard look at ourselves and apply the information contained herein, we are on our way to weight loss.

Weight Loss for Women III

If you eat foods high in saturated fats, you most assuredly will gain undesired pounds and create some serious health risks. Change your usual daily meal planning to foods low in saturated and trans fats. Some of the foods containing saturated and trans fats are butter, cheese, whole milk, margarine and those foods with hydrogenated oils on their labels.

Cut down the amount of food you eat at each meal sitting. If this is an unrealistic task, then make sure your physical activity is at a level that will burn those calories you consume.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Weight Loss for Women - II

According to research, the ideal fat amount for a lower health risk is 23% - 31% of total body weight in women. Understanding your body’s makeup (no not Lady Clairol or Maybelline) will help you decide on a weight loss program best for your body.

Let us discover what it is about our own bodies that make us feel we are overweight. Just saying you are overweight does not make you overweight. So let’s begin with one important question – do you know why you are overweight?

We can put the answer to this question in perspective by reviewing a few facts that contribute to weight gain:
What kinds of foods do you eat?
How much food do you eat?
Do you include physical activity in your daily lifestyle?
Do you eat for other purposes other than hunger?

Your answer to the four questions above will give you insight into why you are overweight and start you on the path of “getting it right.” This is a key for weight loss for us women.

Weight Loss for Women

Weight loss for women is not an easy task. This could possibly be one of the hardest feats a woman has ever had to tackle. Weight loss for women after childbirth is harder still.

We go through so many weight loss ups and downs. Once we fully recognize and admit that we have a weight problem, we resort to fad diets and quick weight loss schemes that promise unrealistic results.

Before embarking upon a weight loss program, it is recommended that you consult your physician. Explain your weight loss dilemma to your physician during your consultation including the program of weight loss you intend to engage in.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Standing Still

I have not lost any weight since I lost three pounds from my last reset. I am still motivated to get off 80 pounds! I know it is just a matter of time.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Current results

Today is day four of my five-day fast. I didn't lose as much weight as I did the first time I did the fast, but I know why. When I first did the fast, I lost excess fluid. This time, I don't have so much excess fluid to lose. So far I am looking at 2 pounds lost this time. I'm still counting the pounds down to my 80-pound weight loss goal. Stay tuned for more results as the pounds roll off.

Women and Fasting for Weight Loss

I have found that fasting is a great way to start getting rid of my unwanted pounds. I have done a five-day fast to get me motivated and now I am doing a five-day fast (three months later) to keep myself on track. This is an incredible way to drop a few pounds and because I am taking my time losing weight, I am more assured of keeping the weight off.

Monday, April 9, 2007


I have been motivated to lose weight, motivated to eat healthily and motivated to incorporate fruits into my weight loss regimen. Fruits are the best source of energy when you are engaged in a weight loss plan. What motivated me? Stay tuned and you will discover my secret weapon to weight loss.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Five-Day Fast April 8, 2007

I will be starting my next five-day fast on April 8, 2007. I'll keep you posted on what the results are. I am eager to find out how I do on my next fast. My first ever fast caused me to drop 15 pounds. It would be great if the second one did the same.

Stay tuned for my results at the end of the five days.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Doctor's Visit

I visited my doctor today and I know that I am on the right road going where I want to go. I have often heard "If you don't know where you are going, any road will take you there." I know where I am going and I know that I am on the right road to get me there. I am motivated and my self-esteem is through the roof! In another three months I will have met my halfway mark to the end of my road. Want to join me?

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Well, it is now definitely time for exercise. I have been dropping the pounds but now I need to tone up. Don't want all that flab around. I will be doing another reset in a couple of weeks to make sure that I stay on track. I have resolved to lose 80 pounds this year and that's what I am going to do. It feels good to get some of these pounds off.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Another 3 pounds and counting

I weighed myself yesterday and I am happy to report another three pounds vanished! This is great! I have motivated myself to the point that the littlest decrease in weight is a success for me. How are you doing on your weight loss regime? Have you started? What are you waiting for? Join me in 2007 to get to the end of your roller coaster ride of weight gain and weight loss. This is a great ride I am on now and you can be a part of the same enjoyment I am experiencing. Just follow me to You'll be glad you did.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Reaching a Plateau

After losing 22 pounds, I have reached a plateau. That will not deter me from continuing with my weight loss goal of 80 pounds this year. So many times, when a person starts dieting, they lose weight and then no weight loss results are visible. They become discouraged and frustrated. They stop dieting because they feel it is no use trying anymore. Just think of this as a means for your body to regroup, take a rest from the transition from fat to skinny, and keep on pushing. If you stop dieting now, you will gain those pounds back that you lost and more. Just keep pushing. Your body will start losing again.

More to come as I continue on my trek to my weight loss goals.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Fruits and Vegetables.......

Fruits and vegetables play an important part in your weight loss goals. The fruits give you plenty of energy, eliminating the weakened, nervous feeling that accompanies any diet plan. The vegetables help in numerous ways, but the most important factor I have found with the vegetables in my diet plan is that they help filling me up. When I include vegetables with my meals, I find that I eat a lot less of everything else. Why not try it, you might like it.

Stay tuned. I'm sure there is more to come.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007


I have found that because I am not making the time to exercise, my weight loss is slower. So you know what? I am going to start right now trying to make some time to get in some exercise. Maybe I can start with a short power walk, or maybe even a few side bends. I know I have to do something. I am losing the pounds but now I need to start toning up.

I'm on my way to my 80-pound weight loss goal. Stick with me to find out how I am doing along the way!

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Increase Water Intake

I found out something interesting this past week and that was to increase your water intake to increase your weight loss success. I increased my water intake when I used the RESET kit, but I did not know that the water would keep me on the right path to my weight loss goals. Just think, something as pure and a resource so close at hand, can help you in your weight loss goals. I am so glad that I used RESET. Motivation, stamina, and determination are the three key points to my experience with RESET.

Stay tuned for more discoveries in the next few days!

Monday, March 5, 2007

Little Thought to RESET

With RESET, you really don't have to do a lot of research. A five-day body cleanse is safe, easy and economical and it puts you on the right path to weight loss. I was lost in my weight loss goals until I tried RESET. I am going down down down in my weight. You have to try it to believe what this can do for your self-esteem and weight loss. If you are like me and don't like the pounds you have found during the winter months, then RESET is your ticket out of the weight gain doldrums.

Stay tuned for more in the coming weeks.

The Heart Healthy Way

I have found the best way to lose weight while maintaining a healthy heart, a healthy body and focusing on the weight loss to ease the pain in the body joints. My miraculous weight loss regimen begins with a five-day cleanse-RESET.

Saturday, March 3, 2007

I tried It and guess what

I tried the RESET kit on January 8, 2007 and found it to be true to its' word. I lost fifteen pounds on the RESET and have been losing one to one and a half pounds each week. I will be doing another RESET in a few weeks and I'll keep you posted as to what my weight loss is. Stay tuned for my results as I RESET for life in 2007.

Reset helps you to

Every New Year we resolve to lose those unwanted pounds we found during the winter holidays. Each year we are met with the same emotions of confusion, frustration and disappointment when the diet we start fails.
The RESET kit is a simple way to lose those pounds that have been plaguing you for a while. This is a healthy way to jump-start your weight loss goals. RESET is a five-day cleanse that sets up the motivation needed to begin a weight loss regimen. This is also another way of fasting.
RESET provides the essential nutrients needed to maintain a healthy lifestyle. In the RESET kit, you have everything you need for five days. The RESET kit contains fifteen meal-replacement shakes, ten nutrition bars, and five AM/PM meal supplement packets. You simply replace your meals and snacks for five days with the shakes and nutrition bars contained in the RESET kit. Also included in the RESET kit is a DVD to teach you how eating healthy can help you look and feel better about yourself. A leading nutrition expert made the DVD.
The DVD in the RESET kit will put you on the path for continued weight loss success. This DVD also has a 30-minute exercise program featuring two athletic stars actually showing you how to do the exercises.
The RESET kit has a list of recommended fruits and vegetables that can be enjoyed while jump-starting yourself to a better you. The kit also contains a list with two phases that will help you on your journey to continued weight loss and healthy maintenance.
The contents of the RESET kit are portable and very easy to use. The meal replacement shakes are delicious and comes in three flavors - French Vanilla, Wild Strawberry and Dutch Chocolate. The variety of flavors gives you a choice rather than having to live with the same flavors all of the time. The shakes can be used anywhere. You can use your blender at home to mix your shakes, you can use a blender bottle when you are on the go or you can mix your shakes in your blender at home and pour them in your blender bottle to drink later. RESET makes it so easy to jump-start your weight loss program.
The nutrition bars are great when you are out and about and need a snack to tide you over until time for that next meal replacement shake. RESET makes it easy to alleviate those weakened periods that accompany any diet program. Just eat one of the nutrition bars when this situation presents itself and you will be surprised at how you feel.
Using the RESET kit helps you to lose those cravings for carbohydrates and helps you to find the little person that has gotten lost amidst those pounds you gained. You will discover a leaner, healthier and more energetic person that you never knew existed before. The RESET kit gives you a guide to help you along the way with your weight loss goals.
Remember, before starting RESET or any other weight loss program, you should consult your physician.