Saturday, May 5, 2007

Weight Loss for Women IV

If you use foods as a crutch, then you undoubtedly are a great candidate for weight gain. Some of us eat because we are stressed or we had a bad day at work or the kids were overly active that day or you just had an argument with your husband or boyfriend. Don’t find excuses to eat. Use eating for satisfying hunger.

If we take a hard look at ourselves and apply the information contained herein, we are on our way to weight loss.

Weight Loss for Women III

If you eat foods high in saturated fats, you most assuredly will gain undesired pounds and create some serious health risks. Change your usual daily meal planning to foods low in saturated and trans fats. Some of the foods containing saturated and trans fats are butter, cheese, whole milk, margarine and those foods with hydrogenated oils on their labels.

Cut down the amount of food you eat at each meal sitting. If this is an unrealistic task, then make sure your physical activity is at a level that will burn those calories you consume.