Sunday, June 3, 2007

Myth-Quick Weight Loss Part I

Once you have decided to plan a weight loss program, you begin to waiver to the media advertisers. These advertisers are in the weight loss game to take your money. So many of them promise or assure you their program is the best way to lose weight quickly.

Almost all of these diet programs fail because we don’t realize that everybody’s body chemistry is not the same. Your first thought when you hear these advertisers’ claims should be how could they make such a claim. These advertisers have no idea of what your body chemistry and your metabolism are. Understand what the media is doing – they are preying on your emotional senses to get you to buy their product.

Why would you want to lose weight quickly? Do you know that when you revert back to your same eating habits, you risk regaining the weight you thought you lost plus more? This is one of the main reasons why diets fail.

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